Interview franchise WSI
WSI Internet Consulting & EducationWe Simplify the Internet
Ross Montagano - le
Rodolphe Hatchadourian : In what ways, if any, is the French market different?
Ross Montagano : The French market follows a pattern similar to other European countries with regard to e-commerce. There are however, certain socio-cultural differences that impact the way business, in general is conducted. For example, artistic capabilities and personal relationships greatly influence the project management cycle of building a successful website that satisfies the business owner’s aspirations and also meets the end customer’s expectations. WSI Internet Consultants in France are at a huge advantage here as they have access to WSI’s global reach for best of class technologies yet can provide the local touch, ultimately delivering result oriented websites to local French business owners. WSI Internet Consultants in France have an excellent understanding of local small and medium size business owners needs, and develop customized solutions that will be successful in the local market.
What is your general franchisees background?
At WSI, our selection criteria has developed with a clear understanding of what is required to be a successful Internet Consultant, including the need for Consultants to have a business background. There are many different business backgrounds that are found to be useful including Marketing and Sales, Corporate Executives. IT experience and entrepreneurs (those who own or owned other businesses). Our system and training helps our Consultants to build on their professional strengths acquired prior to becoming a franchisee. In addition, the ability on the part of the applicant to follow a proven system for success, including the willingness to work hard, dedication to fulfilling their customers needs and most importantly a personal drive to succeed.
Interview by Rodolphe Hatchadourian
Marketing digital : ces entreprises en croissance recrutent
Réseau de conseiller(e)s en communication digitale, spécialisés dans l'accompagnement et le conseil des petites entreprises
CA 2 ans : Communiqué en RDV
Apport : 0 €
Pour créer une franchise WSI il faut un apport personnel de 30 000 €. Vous souhaitez créer une entreprise dans le secteur Franchise communication
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Découvrez les meilleures franchises répérées par l'observatoire sur notre page dédiée à la franchise Marketing digital, mais également les chaines spécialisées sur la page franchise Franchise communication
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